Good to know

Welcome to the versatile and beautiful Raseborg! In order for your stay to be successful, we made a list of things that may be useful to know before your visit.

Raseborg is the most extensive municipality in the province of Uusimaa and therefore the distances are long between our districts and villages. The easiest way to travel from place to place is therefore by car, rental car or why not motorcycle. During spring, summer and early autumn, cycling is also an excellent means of transport, provided you have time. Since Raseborg is a by the coast, you can also travel to Raseborg with boat. We have several nice natural harbours in the Ekenäs archipelago national park as well as cosy guest harbours with good service.

Traveling to and within Raseborg

When planning your trip to Raseborg, it is good to know there is no bus or train station called Raseborg. If you are looking for transport schedules on different web services or your GPS, please enter a specific town, for example Karis, Ekenäs or Fiskars. Some services may work better with Finnish names, for example Karjaa or Tammisaari.

You can travel to Raseborg by train with the following train connections:

Helsinki-Karis (Karjaa)
Helsinki-Ekenäs (Tammisaari), first take the train to Karjaa and from there a regional train to Ekenäs
Turku-Karis (Karjaa)
Turku-Ekenäs (Tammisaari), first take the train to Karis and from there a regional train to Ekenäs.

Timetables and tickets from VR’s web page.

If you travel by bus, it is good to know that different bus services take different routes. Search on for time schedules to your destination.

If you’re planning to travel within Raseborg, make use of the local bus service Bosse. With Bosse, you can easily get back and forth between the different districts. You can find timetables and the travel guide for Bosse here.

Good news is that all parking spots are free in Raseborg! You can park your car for free on all places that allow parking.

Read more about traveling within Raseborg.

Eat and drink

The range of restaurants and cafés varies depending on the season; in the summer there are more places to choose from, especially during late evenings. However, some restaurants can be quite busy, therefore book a table in advance if you arrive late and need to find a diner.

Most supermarkets are open from morning until late evening and also open on Weekends. Most small shops in for example Karis and Ekenäs, have limited opening hours, usually Mon-Fri approx. 10-17 and Saturdays approx. 9-14. The boutiques in Fiskars Village have their own timetables.


We are proud of our incredibly versatile and beautiful nature, so we hope you cherish it when you move around in the forest, on nature paths as well as in the archipelago. Pick up your trash and respect the nature, so that everyone can enjoy it in the future as well.

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