Archipelago traffic & service
Archipelago cruise to Jussarö Island with m/s Myggen III
Cruises by water bus to Jussarö during 26.6 – 9.8 Wed/Thu/Fri.
Premarin’s Rib-boat tours
Customised Rib-boat tours and guided tours in cooperation with the Hankoniemi Front Museum.
Boat Trips with Petruska
Boat trips in Ekenäs archipelago in fishing boat with driver. 8 passengers. 7 knots. Heating and long table.
Guide-Matti’s Boat Trips to Ekenäs Archipelago National Park
Guided boat trips to the Ekenäs archipelago for a maximum of 5 people
Boat trips to the archipelago, fishing- and nature trips and guided tours in Raseborg
Taxi Boat Myggen III
Cruises according to previous agreement between Hanko, Ekenäs and Inkoo
Pojo raisable span bridge
Open to traffic throughout the year if ice conditions allow. Opens only by reservation