Bromarv Church
The youngest church in the community, built in the 1980s.
Bromarv church was built in 1981 and is the youngest church in the community. The church is located a stone’s throw from the sea in the centre of Bromarv village.
The church is built on the same foundation as the burnt down 18th century church which for unknown reasons was set on fire on a very cold night on 3 February 1979. Only the bell tower survived the fire. The present church was built to designs by Carl-Johan Slotte. The new church was consecrated on 23 August 1981 by Bishop John Vikström.

A large part of the church’s inventory has been donated, including an altarpiece by Kaarina Heikinheimo. The church is regularly used for church services and ordinations and, especially in summer, for concerts of various kinds.
Adress: Bromarvvägen 1850, Bromarv. Read more and check opening hours here (only in Swedish).